Lease Abstract Services

Our lease abstract is focused on providing the information needed to efficiently administer a lease.  We provide a thorough review of all lease documents, and make it easy to ensure that rent steps, CAM charges, and other key lease terms are clearly identified and easy to understand.  Each lease amendment is separately abstracted and documented, which allows the user to easily track changes in lease terms throughout the life of a lease.

Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Services

At Leasing Analytics, we specialize in performing common area maintenance (CAM) calculations.  We have a thorough understanding of CAM, including the calculation of base years, caps, gross-ups, and other complex lease provisions.

We can prepare your annual CAM reconciliations at the end of the year, or new CAM estimates as part of your budgeting process.  For many of our clients, we prepare the estimates and reconciliations in order to provide continuity and ease of communication with tenants.

For each CAM reconciliation or estimate, we provide you with a cover letter for each tenant and a calculation schedule that shows the tenant exactly how their share of expenses is calculated.

Estoppel Certificate and SNDA Preparation Services

If you are purchasing, selling, or refinancing a property, obtaining estoppel and SNDA certificates from each tenant is normally required.  We can accurately and professionally prepare these documents so that they are ready to be executed by your tenants.

Insurance Compliance Services

Commercial leases require tenants to maintain certain insurance types and limits.  Additionally, leases often require that the tenant’s insurance policies name the landlord (and possibly the landlord’s lender) as additional insureds.  Because the insurance types and limits vary from lease to lease, many landlords struggle to find time to track tenant insurance for compliance with the tenant’s lease.  This leaves both landlords and tenants exposed to unnecessary risk.  Additionally, a tenant may be in default of their lease if they do not maintain appropriate insurance.

Our insurance compliance service is designed to track each tenant’s insurance for compliance with their lease.  We maintain a database of insurance requirements per each tenant’s lease, and compare those requirements to the certificates of insurance provided by the tenant.  If a tenant’s insurance is not in compliance with their lease, we immediately notify the landlord so that the landlord can request the tenant to update their insurance.

Additionally, we track policy expiration dates and notify the landlord approximately 30 days before a tenant’s insurance will expire so that the landlord can request an updated insurance certificate.

Due Diligence Services

Our due diligence services are designed to assist a buyer in identifying potential red flags before the purchase of a property.  As part of our due diligence services we can review building service contracts, re-perform CAM calculations, analyze property expenses for potential savings, and review settlement statement prorations for accuracy.

Process Documentation Services

Processes and controls are key to any company’s success.  Having those processes and controls documented is a way to ensure that employees know what is expected of them.  Additionally, auditors often test processes and controls as part of a financial statement audit.  Documented processes and controls documented may help to speed up your audit, potentially reducing audit fees and the time required to complete an audit.  We clearly highlight key controls throughout each process in order to eliminate confusion and help your business succeed.  As part of our process documentation services, we can assist your company in documenting your processes and controls in a narrative or flowchart format.

Business Consulting and Training Services

With more than 15 years of experience, we can review and assess your company’s processes and procedures to recommend improvements and efficiencies that will save your company time and money.  We will first document your existing processes, including identification of key controls, and then will make recommendations to improve those processes.

We also provide employee training services, assisting our clients in developing their staff.  Our training services can be customized to meet the needs of your business, or we can present your company with one of the proprietary employee training courses that we have developed.